passed on from generation to generation for 80 years.
Experience the quality of a Traditional company Made in Germany.
also flatter the eye.

Seeking to
sea more
Barigo Marine Instruments
Tradition at state of the art technological level can be found in the varied selection of marine instruments for high-standard boat and yacht owners.
BARIGO Instruments stand for style and functionality at the highest level: Whether traditional brass or smooth chrome, mechanical or modern electronic: Every single instrument, whether hygrometer, barometer, thermometer or ships bell clock, is manufactured in traditional Black Forest watchmaker quality.
Our products for maritime use

Ready for
Barigo Outdoor-Equipment
Unbelievable beauty, overwhelming variety. A huge assortment of colours, smells, shapes and structures.
Nature. To experience nature with all senses also means to be attentive and watchful.
BARIGO Instruments are the companions that provide the respectful friend of the outdoors with all the information needed for their exciting outdoor activity.
Our Outdoor-Equipment

for Skydivers
Barigo Altimeter
Skydiving. Nothing brings us closer to the ancient dream of humanity to fly then the controlled jump into free fall.
“Sky-diving” a strong picture for a strong sport and an unforgettable experience. More and more skydivers world wide, whether amateur or professional, between heaven and earth they put their trust in the uncompromising functionality and reliability of BARIGO´s Altimeter.

Have an eye
on the weather
Weather Stations for your home
Somehow it just belongs in a cosy home: The weather station, the combination of Baro-, Hygro- and Thermometer forms our reliable connection to nature outside.
Through precise measurement of the important characteristic values air pressure, humidity and temperature it can indicate upcoming changes in weather conditions. Due to a big variety in design and materials, a weather station fitting every furnishing style can be found in our BARIGO Living catalogue.